Postingan terakhir ceritanya sampe memasuki lembah kesuraman alias kelas 12 yang ternyata gak suram-suram amat kok. Seru banget lah belajar sampe mampus bareng-bareng ngejar cita-cita. Oiya, waktu itu masih semacam galau mau kuliah dimana, dulu sih kepikirannya kalo gak teknik ya kedokteran.
Pas libur lebaran 1431H kalo gak salah (pas 2010 deh pokoknya), awal dari sesuatu yang besarpun dimulai (tsaaah) hahaha waktu itu pas mudik (biasa, tradisi keluarga mudik ke Sukabumi & Cilacap) dapet info ada 2 lomba tentang bidang yang waktu itu gue geluti di OSN, yang pertama ada pesta sains IPB sama satu lagi lomba cerdas cermat dalam rangka ulang tahun ke 65 Kementrian ESDM. Gue waktu itu mikir, "wajib nih ikut salah satunya itung-itung buat tebus kegagalan di OSN"
Libur lebaran selesai, berkubang lagi di lika-liku kehidupan tahun terakhir SMA. Waktu itu masih agak sibuk di MPK-OSIS, terutama siapin sidang umum LPJ. Trus suatu hari, gue dapet sms Ajang yang isinya tawaran ikut salah 1 lomba di paragraf sebelumnya, yang di kementrian ESDM. Sebenernya itu lomba ternyata gak bisa ngedaftarin diri. Itu lombanya tergantung hasil di OSN kebumian kemarin. Jadi tiap provinsi dari 33 provinsi diwakilin 3 orang yang merupakan 3 besar menurut hasil OSN di provinsinya masing-masing. Yaudah, intinya gue, Ajang, sama Ayip (anak smansa Palimanan yang OSN kemarin dapet bronze) ngewakilin Jawa Barat di lomba itu. Sempet kepikiran mundur juga minta diganttin yg lain mengingat hecticnya kehidupan sekolah waktu itu tapi ujung-ujungnya gue ikut juga
Venuenya di hotel Bidakara, hotel mewah di kawasan Pancoran sana (bener kan ya di Pancoran?). Ternyata Kementrian ngadain lomba ini gak tanggung-tanggung, sponsornyapun banyak dari perusahaan tambang/minyak multinasional. Dan pesertanya sebagian besar ya dia-dia lagi yang kemaren jadi pesaing di Medan. Banyak dari mereka yang di Medan kemaren udah dapet emas perak atau perunggu. Beberapa yang lain ya yang kurang beruntung kayak gue
Oiya, di rangkaian acara itu, Pertamina sebagai sponsor ngadain pelatihan penyuluh gas elpiji 3 kg. Kita-kita seluruh peserta ikut seminar seharian dididik segala sesuatu tentang gas elpiji 3 kg, yang dimana masih ada kesalahpahaman diantara masyarakat tentang hal tersebut. Gue punya sertifikat penyuluhnya loh. Jadi dengan kata lain pertamina udah ngasih lisensi ke gue dan yang lain jadi penyuluh tentang elpiji 3 kg hahaha
pelatihannya lumayan bikin ngantuk
Selain pelatihan elpiji, ada juga trip ke museum listrik & energi yang di taman mini. Ya mungkin terdengar biasa aja buat kita-kita yang dari Jawa, tapi gue bisa bayangin betapa senengnya mereka yang dari timur jauh berkesempatan kesana
Sistem lombanya adalah, jadi beberapa provinsi digabung jadi 5 region, yaitu Jawa, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan satu region lagi sisanya (Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Papua, Maluku). Nanti dipilih 10 orang dari tiap-tiap region ngewakilin regionnya masing-masing di babak kayak kuis gitu di tivi-tivi. Milih 10 orang itu gimana? pake tes tertulis yang diikuti 99 orang peserta.
Tibalah hari tes tertulis, tesnya 100 soal pilihan ganda. Bikin pusing mayan, secara sebelum tes dikasihtau kisi-kisinya luas banget cakupannya, eh soal yang keluar aneh-aneh. Ada tentang fisika listrik, mineralogi, kimia organik, sampe undang-undang tentang pertambangan & energi. Kebanyakan sih tentang tambang gitu (metalurgi banget deh). Untung gak kayak OSN yang pake sistem minus jadi lumayan santai ngerjainnya, santai dalam artian, kalo gak tau jawabannya ya ngasal aja, gausah digalauin hahahaha
Beberapa jam setelah tes diumumin 10 besar dari masing-masing region yang berhak membela regionnya di babak final. Jadi sebenernya di tes tertulis yang barusan, di region jawa ada 18 orang (3 orang dikali 6 provinsi) yang memperebutkan 10 kursi di final. Dan ternyata...
Nih kalo tulisan diatas gak keliatan: 3 46 Muhammad Reza Ardian SMAN 1 Depok 70
bersambung, udah malem. besok lagi ya dilanjutin
Okay, let's continue.. Pedazhji.. pechemu vdrug na angliskam? No, I mean, why suddenly this post turns into english post?? Well, I'm trying to practice my english and I do believe that writing is one of the most powerful way to enhance one's english skill. I'm sure that those who know me in real life know as well that my verbal skill sucks. but there's nothing wrong with trying to fix it, rite? In case there's something that will be 'garing' if delivered in english, I'll write it in bahasa anyway
I really didn't expect to be placed at big three, it was such a surprise. Moreover, not only placed 3rd at my region but also 3rd among all of the participants from all over Indonesia. Although it was some kind of lucky factor instead of my own capacity of mind, I was really satisfied and thankful to God
Then, we the top ten from each region, prepared for the final round. We didn't battle altogether in one time but rather we battle alternately four-by-four in each of subrounds. And we also make sure that each of us got its own turn :) and finally ...
Our region placed 1st among 5 regions :)
And in the evening, a closing ceremony was being held and each regions had to present some performance. Whilst other regions performed meaningful and truly cultural performance, we performed an absurd (in a positive way) show. It was a parody of music chart show like 'dahsyat' and we parodied the videoclips by ourselves. The last song which means place 1st on the chart (of course we made our own music chart, not the actual one) was Keong Racun and performed by Ana (from Jogja) and Ika (from Malang) as Sinta and Jojo. We successfully made everyone else there laughing. Really, I have no idea how to describe how funny it was :)
And finally we got into the awarding session. It can be described as 'Money Rain'. As I told you before, most of the sponsors are multinational oil & gas companies so no wonder if the amount of prize is kinda bombastic. As we were the winning region, we got more than other regions. We got it as big brown envelope full of pink rectangular pieces of paper depicting bung Karno & Bung Hatta. I think we could buy a cheap car with money that much. And it was for one region so we had to share for 18 contestants from all over Java. As an addition, I got additional money for being placed 3rd at written test. It was really a wealthy night. And the next day, all of us were going home as millionaire. I got so much that my wallet cannot be folded
disclaimer: there's no any maksud sombong in this post. I'm describing how lucky I was, not how awesome I was
I really thank Kementrian ESDM. I was experiencing a luxurious (at least for me) life a-la hotel for about 4 days FOR FREE. For ordinary bocah udik like me, it was so momentous. And the most important thing is ...
It was such a fun and an awesome experience to work together with great, funny, asik, seru, & genius people like them. When we prepare the performance, or when we share the prize, it was such a precious moment. They also talked about the upcoming earth science training camp which apparently I wasn't able to participate. Yes, most of contestants from my region are medalist from OSN in Medan and they will take part in national training camp (pelatnas lah bahasa indonesianya) which will be held for months and is aiming to choose 4 persons to represent Indonesia in International Earth Science Olympiad in Italy, yes Italy, that European country
I was thinking that It'd be awesome to meet them again in training camp. But apparently that was the last time I see them. Anyway, I heard that some of nonmedalist also will be invited to take part in the pelatnas. Of course, I hope I'd be invited in that event though it's very unlikely.
I prayed hard to God so that I get pelatnas chance, not for Italy but for escaping me from tough 12th grader life at that time. Jenuh banget waktu itu banyak banget tugas, dan beban akademis lainnya
to be continued
Cape juga cuy nulis pake inggris